Welcome to

the Sacred Arts

of Templekeeping

The Arts of Templekeeping are sacred practices

that bring to life the most essential beauty

of Earth and Cosmos.

Join our activities

Expeditions | Retreats | Healing | Craftwork | Training

7 weeks | 7 online teachings & practices about the Temples in the Valley of the Pleiades in Sardinia.

Awaken the 8 ancient powers of nature inside yourself and feel how it is to stand strong and full of life!

Travel as a group of Templekeepers in the magical hills of Scotland and visit ancient temples of the Scottish Isles.

What is Templekeeping?

Templekeeping is a collection of practices, the Sacred Arts of Templekeeping, that have the purpose to empower the cosmic field of this Earth, by fusing it with source energy. This field is of the whole living world, all living beings and places.

We work with ancient temples of prehistoric times in which often the origin is forgotten. Through Templekeeping we track and read the lost information of these places, their essence and purpose.

We explore their relationships with the earth, stars and galaxies, and if needed we heal and reactivate these temples in order to bring back their most excellent, essential and crystalline energy, the way they were created.

We merge those energies in our daily lives and our daily chores and occupations, in our crafts and relationships, in our healing and growth, to render these beautiful energies the new normal for us to live with.

“This is how you truly experience the power of the collective, not to mention the inner healing that takes place at the same time.”

Join our community.

We are a collective of individuals drawn to the Sacred Arts of Templekeeping. In the beginning we didn’t know or understand them, but the ancient places of this world somehow called us. Feeling we wanted to bring the sacred back into our modern societies.

We feel drawn to the elements of nature. Earth, sea, wind, forest, river, mountain, fire, volcano.

We are attracted to the sun, moon, stars and planets. And the sacred places devoted to them.

Many traditions, lineages and ancestries come together in Templekeeping. They are universal arts, accessible to all of us to study and practice crafts and energywork.


  • Some traditions work with plant medicine, some with music and dance, some with fire or water, some with very drums, ceremonies or rituals. We work with temples.

    The Sacred Arts of Templekeeping have the purpose to elevate the energy of this world, of people, communities and all of life. To tranform heaviness, drama and chaos into harmonic and peaceful living.

    These transformations are already happening on individual and collective levels of healing, through ceremony or group healing with multiple people, or in communities that live by these cosmovisions and ancient traditions. In Templekeeping we have similar practices and arts, but one stands out:

    There are some temples that are vitally connected to the Earth's grid and collective fields of information. By activating and purifying them, we heal large areas and informative fields of this Earth, which will benefit all of life. This is one of the arts of templekeeping. Read more.

  • For everyone who is curious about ancient places on this Earth, for who feels the calling to work with temples, for who works with energy or medicinal practices, Earthkeepers, shamans, druids, witches and wizards or modern day healers and therapists.

    Temples are part of mystery and legend, and yet, when we use our senses and tracking skills we can retrieve this old knowledge and be initiated into this work. The temples possess an old knowledge and energy that can assist us in the sacred work all of us do collectively.

  • For expeditions it is helpful if you have a bit of experience with guided meditation, healing practices or receiving messages, images or feelings from outside of yourself. Also it is helpful if you have done healing on yourself.

    This is why we offer trainings and healing. Read below why:

    Working with temples is a great adventure! You can journey into beautiful experiences where you can meet underworldy information and also very high celestial energy. The lighter you are, the more effortless you navigate these experiences.

    Secondly, when we track and read information of ancient places, your own informative field influences what you receive as information. So the less old information is attached to you, the clearer you can track and read the information of a place.

    There is a starting point for all of us. Some of us have been doing this work already as a child, some still feel like a child in this work. All is welcome and all have a journey ahead of them. Contact us for a private call to discuss what could work for you.

  • Then you are welcome to join an expedition and go on an adventure with us!

    For the expeditions we will have intakes to check how comfortable you are in using your senses, tracking, reading and healing skills. Not so much to be exclusive, but to have an estimation on the group diversity and to align expectations.

    Working with temples are great adventures that bring you into a myriad of experiences that also touch personal topics. If a lot is happening in your life, sometimes working on your healing and accelerating your medicine wheel, can be helpful in your preparation. We will gladly consult you in this and align with you.

    Generally we advise to join the Templekeeper Basic Training to ensure your level of knowledge, tracking skills and healing some of your life patterns, so you can join the expedition prepared and lighter than before.

  • Yes you can. Joining an expedition will be a great journey with fellow Templekeepers, visiting the temples and experiencing how it is to live together for a week with other shamans, healers and practitioners. It gives an immediate possibility to practice what we learn.

    It is helpful if you come somehow prepared in your personal healing journey (detachment of life stories, life roles and identities, ancestral and past life information, shadow release and soul and power retrievals).

    We are very open to consult you on what is wise, with which toolbox it is easy to step in or what training or healing might be helpful to make this adventure an amazing enhancement of your journey!

  • Yes you can. While the website facilitates full online payments, you can send us an email to make your agreement of installed payments and receive the necessary bank account information to make the transfers.