How it all started..

For 17 years Vincent has been travelling to the island of Sardinia. Trained as a medium, he has had encounters at some of the many archeological sites on the island that he has visited with his Sardinian family there. But even after his shamanic training and initiations as an Earthkeeper, he never made a connection with the energy work and collective transformative work that is part of his practice, until the winter of 2023..

I heard our teacher speak of energy places, and slowly an idea started to dawn upon me. I was in a room with 16 other students of the Medicine Wheel Training, in our last weekends of training. After having gone through many many healings, journeys, releasing so much of myself, my ancestors, past lives, dependencies, darkness and all that used to be attached to me or I was attached to, this last part of the training was about what destiny you can bring into your life out of the field of many possibilities you can walk.

For this specific exercise, in which we were going to alchemise all our life topics we have been working on this training and giving it an immense acceleration, he invited us to create a huaca on top of our sand paintings with all our healing or trauma topics we have been living. A huaca, a word coming from the Quechua language meaning ‘place of power’. These huacas or energyplaces can be found in nature, in rocks, waterfalls, rivers, mountains, lakes or caves. But also around shrines, statues, holy places or squares where ceremony, festivities or rituals have been taking place.

These places of power can have various qualities of energy, and so they will inform the place with that quality.
— Roel Fredrix, founder of One Million Earthkeepers

When one creates a place of power, as we were instructed, it is sourced from a divine power and invited down into you and your body and the place you are in. This power can be an energy from a higher energy source, like the sun, moon, a star, or another place from the core of the universe or celestial plane.

Our teacher was explaining the concept of the huaca to the group, that I was already familiair with from earlier trainings, so my mind started drifting until he mentioned that you can encounter these also at the pyramides, or at temples, like he has experienced in Greece… And then it hit me. Like a lighting flash. BOOM.

I saw the Nuraghe, the towerlike structures in Sardinia, that I have visited so often. I saw triangles of energy in front of my eyes, lines going up and down, an energy started coursing through my body and I had a massive revelation of which my mind said later on: ‘it took you that long to realise??’ Haha..

For the rest of that weekend, especially during the initiations that followed, but also the destiny retrievals and journeys we did, I received lots of information about the Nuraghe, about temples, about these energy places and their purpose and connection to the star systems.

I shared my received information with my fellow shamans in the group and made a light proposal of going to Sardinia together to research and explore some of the Nuraghe. The response was beautiful and exciting. So many were intrigued, had similar visions during their work that weekend, and before I knew it we had a group that was ready to travel to Sardinia to start exploring the 5000 year old structures from a civilisation they now call the Nuragic civilisation.

We never expected to uncover so many mysteries, amounts of wisdom and expansion. With awakenings for who we are and what we are invited to work on, individually but also as a community of Templekeepers. For me, my life went upside down, with so much clarity as to why I was to be in Sardinia, called to this work, with these people and for what is to come next in the world.

With love,


Join this course to learn more about the Temples in Sardinia

From November 5th, every Tuesday evening, we will visit one of the 7 temples in the Valley of the Pleiades.

You will discover their mysteries, their significance. You will be given an embodied practice or exercise, or you can join a shamanic journey to connect to the temple or to receive their wisdom.

You will learn what use the ancient places of this Earth still possess, and how they are part of our work as Earthkeepers and spiritual practitioners.


The Temple of Truth


The story behind Templekeeping