How we healed the Culzu Temple

During the Templekeeper Expedition 2024 we set out to visit the Valley of the Pleiades in Sardinia again, but not just to visit. We had received instructions how to heal and reactivate the Nuraghe, the temples in this valley, that have such a vital role for our existence on earth. This year we will make a start, with reinitiating their powers.

It is our first visit to a temple of the whole expedition. Little did I know how profound this experience would be… The story below includes the experiences of many of us, We shared our stories afterwards and together they form this magical jigsaw.

Expedition group 2024

In august 2024 I visit the Valley of the Pleiades in Sardinia for the second time. In the opening circle with the group I share my desire to find out my place, my role in Templekeeping. What can I contribute, how does it link to my purpose, how can I best serve it.

The Culzu Nuraghe is the first on our list today. One of us enters inside and the 5 of us make a circle around the building on the outside. We can work freely as there are no other visitors. The temple stands in an open field, accessible but not visited often. We first track the origin of this temple, why was it buillt? I just sense life, life, life. To connect life on earth, to anchor life, for teaching and initiation of children, for learning about the planet by playing. This place has powerful source energies, it sings the song of remembrance about how the connection to the Pleiades star of Puriq Qoto (Sterope) got lost.

There is a curse-dome over the temple. It has to do with the imbalance between the masculinity and the femininity. When all of us are done tracking we start sending our highest energy to the centre of the Nuraghe, to the one in the centre receiving and bundeling all this energy. We send our healing powers, supported by the waters, the sun and the moon, the 7 portals of love and all other energies that show themselves. It’s an empowering and at the same time humbling experience.

We fall into each other's arms after the temple and the star were connected again.

Then the 5 of us move inside and meet the elder tree that grows there. The temple has no roof anymore, the ancient round walls are embracing us. We stand in a circle, hold hands and acknowledge that there is a curse that blocks the connection to the star. I am invited to guide a healing process and I feel a clear yes. I guide all of us deep into pacha mama, to the womb of the earth, high iinto the heavens to the womb of the universe and we invite those energies into our own wombs. The release of pain is strong and after the emotions calm down, we embody forgiveness and send it to the times and to the souls that were involved in creating this imbalance, in surpressing the feminine power.

A crow cries while flying over and one of us travels up there. “What’s up brother?’ He understands that the dome of the curse should be torn open now. So he flies with the crow and picks holes in the dome and tears up the old curse. The silence is palpable and so full of love and beauty. Then one of us speaks: “The curse has been lifted.” Now it’s time to reconnect Puriq Qoto star to this temple. It has already emerged and we made a strong portal of energy deep into the earth. I cry and feel that this reconnecting is unbreakable and will last for a long time. Wisdom, love ad power can now flow through this portal into the earth’s grid and support the planet in her evolution.

We sit in the temple for quite a while, under the elder tree, which is also called pacha mama-tree. We’re grateful for the healing, our collective work and the deep joy each of us experiences. We are positively glowing. And this is just the first temple…


The bigger view on Templekeeping


The Temple of Truth