Basic Templekeeper Training
Piramide aan de Waal, Gendt
January - June 2025
In this training we paint the bigger picture, the more encompassing story about life, that humans have almost forgotten.
As templekeepers we aim to learn energy, to learn no-thing, to learn no-mind. We intend to open ourselves, to empty ourselves to receive true knowledge, to expand our awareness to the heavens and beyond, and allow wisdom.
In this training we open our awareness to the sacred unity of heaven and earth, of the seed and the soil, of humans and nature. We can find this truth anywhere, we find it inside ourselves, supported by the energy of sacred places like temples, pyramids or churches.
We will be studying and practicing together:
1. how to connect to the energy and the origin of sacred places, to uncover their true purpose for the life on and of this planet
2. the practices, rituals and ceremonies through which we can not only connect, but also communicate and receive healing on many levels
3. how to journey interdimensionally, how to retrieve and translate information from different planes
4. the alchemy of several ancient crafts that ground the crystalline cosmic energy in our everyday life
5. and so much more
This trajectory is for all:
1. who feel the call of the templekeeper. The guardian of temple energies, connecting earth and cosmos.
2. who want to learn working with energy; in sensing and alchemising energy into their daily life.
3. who want to deepen their own healing. Releasing their connections with traumatic patterns of different lifetimes.
4. who want to deepen their learning and connection with fellow templekeepers, earthkeepers, artists, lightbringers and lovers of all kind.
Eight days of training:
This Basic Templekeeper Training consists of 8 days. We will study the 7 Temples of the Pleiades in Sardinia. They are structures of around 5.000 years old. We explore their energies and the star-energy they are connected to. In these processes we receive knowledge, healing, practices and powers, fun, magic, companionship, heaps of love and so much more.
Planning & Content:
day 1 and 2. Being here on Earth
This is a weekend with a beautiful ceremony to open ourselves on all levels. As facilitators we provide an introduction to Templekeeping and how it relates to our life on earth. We connect to the temple of Culzu of the Valley of the Pleiades in Sardinia. The energy of this weekend is all about being alive, being in this earthly, physical form. We will also address the wounds connected this, for example to be wanted and seen. By healing (parts of) this woundedness, you take one step closer on your path from illusion to truth, from smallness to oneness.
day 3. Seed of life
We explore the raw potential of undefined energy and how we can channel this lifeforce into existence, into our daily lives. We connect to the energies of the temple Longu. It’s essence is about embracing lifeforce, being creator. This temple invites us to be both human and divine. We are the carriers of the seed of life. By reconnecting the divine lifeforce to our crafts, creations, to our daily activitites, we bring heaven back on earth. So let’s step up and use our creative power.
day 4. Love
The energies of the temple of Nalvonattu are all about the heart. We’ll do lovework, opening the heart to the cosmos and the heart of mother earth. How can we use our connected heart as a compass, to navigating through life. We will explore love from all sources, all dimensions and use it for healing. Healing our wounds connected to the heart so we fully feel loved again. And healiing far beyond that, so we create paradise on earth,
day 5. Truth
This day is about being a crystalline channel for receiving and sending information. The temple of Banzalzas invites us to step into our highest truth. Let’s speak it, sing it. Let it be heared in the circles and communities where we live and work. What truth are you carrying, protecting, guarding? Can you set it free? When we speak our inner wisdom, we become he guardians of life. This temple is also connected to the sacred masculine. You are invited to heal the pain connected to masculinity and embody the divine qualities of this archetypical energy.
day 6 and 7. Water and Fusion
This weekend we will work with cycles of life, cycles of the moon. Enjoy the sensual playfulness of female creativity. In the temple of Oes we learn about life, about the Self, about our true nature, we remember and embody the sacred feminine.
The energy of the temple Santu Antine invites us to fuse. To fuse the highest cosmic energies into matter and make life holy/whole again. To fuse the masculine and the feminine and wield abundance. As above, as below starts finding deeper ground in you. This temple invites us to celebrate the wheel of life, to embody grace and gratitude.
day 8. The eye of the Pleiades
We rise and wake up from the illusion of separateness. We see. We see truth, we see through the veils of duality, of matter, of psychology, of patterns and cultures. We reach beyond the grasp of death, we cross the rainbow-bridge. We see, we know. We are connected, we are energy, we are creator, created and the process of creation.
On this last day of the training we work with the Temple Fraigas. The Temple of the seers and of vision. To see beyond any reality or illusion, to have visions of the horizon and the mountains and lands beyond. To track the paths of destiny and learn to connect to the eye of the Pleiades.
What you will harvest in the process:
This training will deepen your knowledge and skills as a healer, earthkeeper, energetic practitioner, therapist, shaman or ceremonial guide.
You will have gained access to new sources of spirituality, ancient wisdom, sacred arts of templekeeping that have been lost for a long time.
After the training you can apply the energy practices in your daily life. In the relationships at home and at work, in the arts and crafts you have come to learn or you practice, you will be able to fuse energy and matter.
This training will have enabled you in your spiritual path and will help you uncover the mysteries of your soul’s purpose and what destiny has in store for you, so you can decide after this basic training, where you path lies.
The training will greatly assist you in healing the wounded parts you carry. Some you know and you perhaps have worked with in this lifetime and some will be new to you.
After this training you will have learned lots of practices with which you can journey in the lower and upper world, to discover ancient wisdom, the mysteries of the temples, to heal body and soul and to receive information about the physical and metaphysical worlds.
You will become part of a Templekeeper Community, with people active in varous crafts, arts and energywork, join expeditions to sacred sites around the world, receive Templekeeper initiations and form your own Templekeeper Altar, a bundle with sacred stones to work with in your practice.
Registration and Payment
If you would rather pay by bank transfer, send us an email with your request and we will send you the necessary information.